Pebble Mine



With funding from the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association, we partnered with The Nature Conservancy to develop a hydraulic model of a mine tailings dam failure in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Using physical parameters produced by the mine proponent, we built a model using industry-standard software to illustrate impacts from a range of potential failure scenarios. These model outputs helped communicate the risks that large-scale mineral development could pose in this watershed.

Actionable Intelligence

We developed public outreach materials using our model results and presented briefings to US and Alaska state representatives, US senators, and regulatory agencies in Washington and Juneau to communicate the potential risks of development in this ecosystem.

Relevant Capabilities

Fire in the mountains
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Natural Hazards and Risk Assessment

Lynker Intel is a global provider of risk and safety solutions related to natural hazards, with a broad range of services across. Our scientists, engineers, and economists have decades of experience performing risk and damage assessments for the insurance market and planning communities at town, city, and national scales.

Ocean Storm Waves Crashing into Seawall in front of Houses
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Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting

Lynker Intel has expert hydrologists with strong expertise in field work, data analysis, research, modeling, forecasting, and developing actionable data products across all water environments. We work with a holistic approach to solve water-related issues by considering the combined effect of weather, climate, water and human management.

View of River amidst mountains against sky
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Environmental Modeling

Lynker Intel has deep experience working with multi-disciplinary and stakeholder teams to develop ecological restoration solutions for fluvial, coastal, and wetland environments. We work with clients to restore damaged habitats that provide important ecological functions and contribute to improved ecosystem health benefiting humans and wildlife alike.