Geohydrology and Groundwater Resource Sustainability

Lynker Intel’s expertise in geohydrology and groundwater resources provides part of the foundation of our ability to deliver innovative solutions to support environmental sustainability and economic prosperity for governments, industries, and communities. Lynker Intel’s expert hydrologists offer exceptional qualifications in groundwater hydrology, providing extensive knowledge for projects involving the both the field characterization and evaluation of groundwater systems, interactions of groundwater with interconnected surface water systems, as well as development and application of integrated groundwater flow and solute transport models. In the field, Lynker Intel incorporates novel test methods and tools to characterize geologic media, from single-well and multi-well borehole tracer tests to unsaturated media and va dose zone test methods. Our modeling team possesses expertise in the various MODFLOW versions, including MODFLOW-OWHM, MODFLOW-USG, and GSFLOW, as well as numerous additional modeling tools such as FEFLOW and VS2DT. When executing our work by applying the best scientific and engineering practice to a particular problem, the goal is always to support our clients in sustainable groundwater resources management and provide to them actionable intelligence.

Through the applications of state of the art field methods and the development and utilization of a multitude of modeling software programs, Lynker Intel can aid in assessing regional geology and hydrogeology, identifying sustainable, high-quality fresh groundwater supplies, designing and implementing aquifer testing to support well design operations, and developing groundwater budgets and models. Our team at Lynker Intel works closely with clients, engineers and planners to develop personalized client- and community- centered approaches and ensure sustainable solutions to manage our earth’s most valuable natural resource.
Relevant Case Study

Idaho Groundwater Appropriators Hydrogeological Services