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Mine Water Management


Launching this business line in 2022 with two engineers bringing over 60 years in combined experience in mine water management, Lynker Intel has established an expert team that strives to grow and become widely recognized across the industry in this area. We understand that the factors controlling water resources vary from mine to mine, and the foundation for sound water management starts with a complete and rigorous water balance of the site. Whatever the situation, Lynker develops and applies realistic analyses and models to mitigate negative impacts and account for the needs and concerns of investors, mine operators, communities, and regulators.

Our scientists and engineers are hands on. We design, manage and conduct the studies that support the analyses and models used in mine water management. In many cases, we meld our field services and in-situ testing expertise with mine operations to leverage their institutional knowledge and site-specific equipment to achieve a highly focused and cost-effective approach for data gathering. We have also employed the same teaming approach with mine shared services to implement and operate corrective actions related to mine water management.

Lynker Intel is experienced at entering a mine water management project at any level from scoping and pre-feasibility to closure. Our staff is highly effective at reviewing data and analyses collected and performed by others; finding the fundamental strengths and weaknesses in their studies and reports; and building on the information at hand to provide solutions. This includes assessment of uncertainty within a previously conducted evaluation and considering future uncertainties not previously assessed such as climate change and ever-tightening environmental regulations. The range of services that we currently offer in mine water management include:

  • Conventional subsurface drilling, logging, and piezometer/monitoring well installations;
  • Hydrogeologic characterizations including single- and multi-well pump and tracer tests;
  • Development of groundwater flow and transport models, from regional to the mine component scale;
  • Evaluation and modeling of seepage from TSFs and WRDs;
  • Liquid, air and heat flow modeling in heap leach piles;
  • GoldSim and CRAM – a Lynker proprietary code;
  • Surface water management (contact water and acid rock drainage management);
  • Mine water management audits and optimization;
  • TSFs and WRDs cover design; and
  • 3D transient hydraulic analysis of tailings runout following catastrophic failure.

More Capabilities

Fire in the mountains
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Natural Hazards and Risk Assessment

Lynker Intel is a global provider of risk and safety solutions related to natural hazards, with a broad range of services across. Our scientists, engineers, and economists have decades of experience performing risk and damage assessments for the insurance market and planning communities at town, city, and national scales.

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Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting

Lynker Intel has expert hydrologists with strong expertise in field work, data analysis, research, modeling, forecasting, and developing actionable data products across all water environments. We work with a holistic approach to solve water-related issues by considering the combined effect of weather, climate, water and human management.

Green Infrastructure
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Planning and Designing for Resilient and Green Infrastructure

Infrastructure and its networks will be affected by the physical impacts of climate variability and change but will also play an essential role in building resilience to those impacts. Lynker Intel can help you prioritize, plan, and design new or retrofit old infrastructure in a more thoughtful environmentally aligned (green) manner that can account for the climate and other changes that may occur over its lifetime.

Geospatial Analytics Ariel View
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Geospatial Analytics

Business and government leaders face unprecedented risk from natural hazards, climate change, population growth, geopolitical shifts, and security threats. Lynker Intel can help you by building customized spatial intelligence to visualize risk on “smart” maps, find patterns and trends in big data, and communicate seamlessly during risk mitigation and response.

View of River amidst mountains against sky
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Environmental Modeling

Lynker Intel has deep experience working with multi-disciplinary and stakeholder teams to develop ecological restoration solutions for fluvial, coastal, and wetland environments. We work with clients to restore damaged habitats that provide important ecological functions and contribute to improved ecosystem health benefiting humans and wildlife alike.

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Climate Change and Population Growth

With decades of deep experience in natural hazards analyses and risk assessment, Lynker Intel partners with private and public organizations to operationalize climate change impact analytics, projections of population growth and subsequent increases in vulnerable assets, as well as other changes influencing hazard and risk exposure, in order to make better business and adaptation decisions for the future impacts of hazards. Decisions that must be made now.

Geohydrology and Groundwater Resource Sustainability

Hidden from view, groundwater provides a critical water supply resource to billions of people across the globe, while simultaneously providing a foundation to healthy ecosystems. Lynker Intel geohydrology professionals have the knowledge and experience to help clients manage their groundwater resource challenges.

Site Assessment, Remediation, and Closure

Land, soil and groundwater impacted by accidental spills and releases of chemicals and wastes can present unacceptable risks to human health and the environment. Mitigation of exposure to impacts begins with a sound understanding of the sciences that define their 5 fate and transport. Lynker Intel approaches site assessments, feasibility studies, and remediation of impacted soil and groundwater considering the science and using the wide variety of means and methods in our toolbox.