Site Assessment, Remediation, and Closure

Lynker Intel has successfully characterized, evaluated and remediated impacted sites ranging from mining operations, military installations, commercial and industrial facilities, and community and religious centers across the US and around the world. Lynker key staff have been involved in all aspects of impacted site characterizations and remediation for over 35 years–leading the development and implementation of integrated solutions. With extensive experience in diverse environments, our team has undertaken projects from Hawaii to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from southern Chile to the Northwest Territories of Canada.

With recognized expertise in characterization, analysis, and modeling, Lynker supports its clients by providing innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges. We select the right tools and approaches to match the complexity of the problem and the risks posed by the impacts requiring mitigation. Our expertise is understanding the complexity of a problem and applying the appropriate tool whether it be industry standard, the cutting edge or something in between to “answer the mail”. The Lynker Intel team provides a vast range of services in support of site assessment, remediation, and closure, including:
- Conventional subsurface drilling, logging, and monitoring well installations;
- Low-flow groundwater sampling;
- Statistical analysis of environmental samples including BTV, EPC, and trend studies;
- Hydrogeologic characterizations including single- and multi-well pump and tracer tests;
- Downhole geophysics including gamma and neutron probe;
- Direct push methods including LIF, Dye LIF, HPT, EC, and MIP;
- Environmental forensic studies such as SIP and PIANO;
- Bioremediation assessments, designs and optimizations
- In-situ respirometry and push-pull kinetics studies;
- Molecular biological assessments including customized in-house shotgun metagenomics;
- Measuring, modeling, and predicting MNA and NSZD; and
- Expert Witness and Regulatory Support
Lynker provides our clients with customized, practical, economic solutions. Our experience and expertise give us the perspective needed to select the appropriate approach and tools to cost-effectively assess, evaluate, and remediate impacted soil and groundwater with the goal of mitigating the unacceptable risks.