Climate Change and Population Growth
Financial Impact Analysis, Insurance Intelligence, and Adaptation Guidance

With decades of deep experience in natural catastrophe risk modeling and climate change science, Lynker Intel partners with private and public organizations to operationalize climate change analytics to enable greater understanding, more transparency, and operational intelligence to help you and your company make better decisions for the future, now. For more than two decades, the Lynker Intel team has worked with partners and stakeholders to understand how climate change affects natural hazards and infrastructure vulnerabilities in the US and regions around the globe and to progress toward solutions that quantify the physical risk of climate change. Building a more resilient world is the essence of the Lynker Intel mission. By demystifying the risks of climate change, we are committed to helping organizations of every type factor these considerations into their strategic outlook with climate change models, data, and analytics.

For over 20 years, Lynker Intel scientists have developed strong relationships with a variety of organizations and clients at different scales around the world. We are focused on contributing our climate change and risk modeling expertise to help clients, planners and markets understand the physical risks posed by climate change. Responsible organizations want to know their exposure to climate change risk. There is an urgent need to assess and quantify the extent of the rising physical risk caused by climate change – how much it has already changed, what will happen in the future, and how such risks are being priced.

Systemic or compounded risk is the new norm, from the effects of rising sea levels on storm surge to that of drought on wildfires. The business interruption caused by these catastrophic events has become a standard boardroom concern. When the insurance industry incentivizes resilience investments, Mother Nature’s punches will lead to fewer defaults on loans, and that leads to a more stable financial system.
With stakeholders such as the insurance industry, regulators, investors, and customers all requiring answers, Lynker Intel can help. Our climate change risk analytics practice helps clients translate climate change science into a competitive advantage with regulatory and business consulting services.
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