Hydrologic Modeling and Forecasting
Flood, Drought, and Hydropower

Lynker Intel has expert hydrologists forming a diverse and comprehensive team that has leading skills in a wide range of sectors covering hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling, hydrologic forecasting, climate impact evaluation, floods and droughts, regulation of reservoirs, dam safety and water management.

Lynker Intel offers outstanding credentials in surface and ground water hydrology, providing broad knowledge and experience for projects involving evaluation and modeling of surface and ground water systems. Lynker Intel incorporates a variety of technical tools and scientific methodologies, including the development and utilization of a multitude of modeling software programs, data collection and analyses, and field investigations, as well as measurements and evaluations associated with water allocation, river system losses, gains, deliveries, and efficiencies.

Lynker Intel helps public and private organizations in ensuring quality, health, safety and sustainable development through a wide range of hydrology-related products and services including model simulations and data delivery, warning services operational hydrological services, web-based tailored tools for visualization and support of decision-making, and international cooperation. Our personnel are globally recognized experts in deterministic and probabilistic flood forecasting, hydrometeorological analysis, simulation and modeling, and operational forecasting, and work closely with stakeholders to implement forward-thinking scientific research-to-operations solutions for water resource conservation and emergency response.

Lynker uses historical and contextual data and projections of climate change to predict the likelihood of events, with the goal of planning for an uncertain future, from the next few hours to the next many years. Lynker’s actionable intelligence makes it easier to make decisions today to prepare for future events:
- Forecasting facilitates planning. What are the options?
- Planning facilitates analysis. What are the potential costs, risks, and benefits of each option?
- Analysis facilitates decision-making. Given what we know today, what is the most reasonable course of action?
- Lynker’s machine learning algorithms can predict market prices – from futures to day-ahead, and intraday for higher revenues per produced Mw. Lynker can increase your hydropower revenues by up to 15%. Higher revenue. Less spill. No hassle!
- For water supply planning, Lynker develops estimates of spring snowmelt and runoff, and products for forecasting water-supply needs under extreme conditions, such as drought.
Relevant Case Study

Future Avoided Cost Explorer: Hazards